Saturday, 30 March 2013

Health & Safety Implications of Urban Exploration.

As photographers, we sometimes face more and more experimental (and therefore dangerous) shoots. An example of this for me was the time a few weeks ago when I visited Rogue Studios on Chapeltown Street near Piccadilly Basin in Manchester's City Centre, with my friend, the local artist, David Lowther. The site is formerly a disused mill, now rented to artists as studios. Tapping into the craze for urban decay and exploration, I shot some pretty decent images there, which can be seen below along with some I did a while back on an old train site in Oswestry, Shropshire. I hope these also give an idea of the obvious Health and Safety implications present in this form of photography.

f5.6, 1/80th, ISO400, 24mm.
All kinds of nasty substances that could make for very itchy skin. I know this from personal experience: at one time I had an allergy to certain types of paper (Impetigo); often old books from old library stacks. The blue book to the right you see here is actually a copy of the Koran. The dust here could also be inhaled.

f5.6, 1/50th, ISO400, 18mm.
Dangers from old paint and decaying, brittle woodwork. Also, Asbestos can be presetn in any building built before 2000 (1). This is usually found in wall panelling in this case. Asbestosis is where the build-up of its spores can cause a scarring on lung tissue through breathing.

f5.6, 1/50th, ISO400, 18mm.

f5.6, 1/50th, ISO400, 18mm.
It was more the floorboards I was concerned about the most. From the moment I entered I knew this was going to be the case. Some of them were missing for a start. Obviously, one has to be mindful of losing one's footing.

f5.6, 1/50th, ISO400, 18mm.
Look to the bottom right of this picture. This is where the floorboards were missing. What a shot, though.

f5.6, 1/50th, ISO400, 18mm.

f5.6, 1/50th, ISO400, 18mm.

f5.6, 1/50th, ISO400, 24mm.
  It is somewhat ironic discussing Health and Safety in this kind of environment, due to the fact that we are not meant to be there in the first place. Indeed, I'm sure for some people this is the appeal.

Some of my past exploits shooting locations of decay (or: decaying locations. Whichever works best):
Watch this Space!!!!!!


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